Soul Scroll Changes
To open the soul imbuing window, go to the top menu and click on Others > Soul Imbuing

Soul scrolls are now linked to your character (not equipment)
Created a shop to buy soul scrolls using the currency Soul Fragment. These soul scrolls are bound to your character and can only be bought if you completed its bestiary

For legacy server: The soul scroll (and unlockers used) from your equipment will be transferred to your purse

Instanced Quests
Now you can do quests without being annoyed by unwanted intruders.
• You will have to setup an instance for the desired quest

Instances can be either public or private.
Public Instances can be viewed and joined by anyone without approval of the instance leader
Private Instances can be viewed by anyone, but entering requires instance leader permission

You do not need to organize a party beforehand. If the party was organized beforehand, then when party leader hits the Create button, everyone in the quest vicinity that’s in the party will be teleported inside

If someone wishes to join a private instance, they must send a join request to the instance leader, which will decide if that player is allowed to join or not.

Quest Difficulties
You are now able to choose a quest difficulty.
Quests now have 3 difficulties: Easy, Normal and Hard.
Easy difficulty applies a negative modifier to monster's health and damage, while also reducing rewards;
Normal has no changes applied;
Hard has an increase of all of the modifiers above.

Daily Boss
We had some changes to this system. Now it has selectable difficulties with scaling rewards accordingly, alongside the introduction of the Soul Fragments into it.
Each increasing difficulty will result in higher boss health, damage and loot rate, while also adding more loot to the drop table, including soul fragments as a guaranteed drop starting from difficulty 5.
Added a new daily boss *The pale worm* for players of level 1300 and more.

Raid Boss
Raid bosses will now spawn in a separated room, to enter it the players will need to enter the teleport located in the spawn
Normal Raid bosses now will spawn after 1 minute.

Traits are a new attribute that you can imbue to your equipment (Weapon/Shield/Helmet/Armor/Legs/Boots). You will require a Universal Trait Token or a specific trait token for the equipment set. The trait will be randomly assigned (type of trait and value) and you can only have one trait per equipment.

● Onslaught: chance (onslaught%) to deal a fatal damage, increasing the damage by 60% (it can stack with critical damage) _______________ 
| ● Momentum: every 2 seconds you have a chance (momentum%) to reduce every attack spell cooldown by 2 seconds _______________ 
● Siphon: Every 2 seconds you heal based on siphon % damage dealt in the last seconds (up to 20% of your health/mana percentage) _______________ 
| ● Retribution: Every 6 seconds you deal damage around you based on damage received (retribution % in that time)
| ● Safeguard: Your healing spells have a chance (safeguard%) to heal double

Class Changes
• Druid
New level 200 spell “Spiritual shift”: Allows the druid to imbue their spirit with souls of nature, each one granting them a buff and a debuff. This spell is toggleable and can be deactivated. Possible souls:
Guardian Soul: +20% armor rating -20% damage dealt Nature regen healing increased by 25%

| Beast Soul: + 20% attackspeed + 20% damage dealt - 20% armor rating Weapon attacks are now melee

| Ent Soul: Healing spells 25% increased effectiveness -10% damage dealt -10% armor rating

• Thief
Cursed poison maximum stacks doubled from 6 to 12

Added a roulette for you to gamble away. Several prizes ranging from Soul Fragments to special cosmetics and relic boxes can be obtained.

How to obtain roulette coins:
Store: 35 premium points for 1 coin and 290 points for bundle of 10
New donations extra rewards
In-game events

Client Changes
• General layout change.
We have reworked some parts of the layout to bring a fresh and dynamic new experience for the players.
Some of the changes are:
Basic layout images changed
Classic view changed to open view
New and more intuitive custom trade window

• New chat module.
It is possible to move the chat window to wherever you want. You can hide it with “Ctrl+Enter” or Enable/Disable with “Shift+Enter” (It will fade in/out)

Fixed Issues of windows not properly saving
Removed the “Second Inventory” window
• Bot changes:
You can now save and load bot configurations with any name of your choosing;

Server Save
From now on there will be a server save every day at 00:00 UTC time.
Story Line
Added instanced rooms for story line bosses.

Relocated story line Edrahil Boss Room from Elves quest to forest fury spawn.
Relocated story line missions from quest maps to normal hunting areas (you can check the quest log)

General Changes/Fixes
Added multiple missing relics to be smeltable.
Added all of the daily bosses charge to loyalty shop.
Added an option to buy Guild Slots using premium points (Guild Management window)
Added a new daily boss on high desert ‘The Pale Worm’
Added lion bag on new daily boss ‘The Pale Worm’
Changed normal/heroic aragorn's - summons will now reduce the casting time of its warning spell
Changed the entrance of Secret Dungeon (Pits of Inferno) from Poi quest to serpent spawn cave.
Changed the entrance of Secret Dungeon (Ancient Mummies) from Ruins of Nuur (crown set) to mummy
Changed the entrance of Secret Dungeon (Pirates) from Pirates Paradise quest (pirate voodoo doll) to gryphon spawn.
Changed the entrance of Tower arena from Waypoint to teleport at mainland temple.
Increased cost to craft soul unlockers
Increased level cap of mining, woodcutting, herbalist from 85 to 95 and fishing from 100 to 110.
Increased the amount of speed that can roll on equipment
Reduced Demon Oak wave time by half
Reduced level requirement from metal set: 300 => 250.
Reduced crafting skill required from Platinum tools and also iron, silver, gold, platinum ingots and bars.
Replaced plate set reward from the evildoers quest with upgraders stones and a new mount.
Replaced shimmer weapons from elves quest with a new relic.
Fixed Daily Boss Crystal Warlord not giving energy and guild exp
Fixed Cursed King mechanic.
Fixed the armor value of the creatures Olaf and Snowman, they had the values exchanged between them