Senior Tutor
► Bard changes:
Changed max stack of buffs: 10 -> 5. The value per stack is increased accordingly.
Performance style changes: Bard will now gain buff while in orchestra and while soloist only the bard will gain the stack (double stacks)
► “Nightdweller”, “Zathroth Guardian” and “Secret Dungeon (Slimes)” dungeons will now drop “iceforged bag instead” of “magical bag”
► Increased chance to drop “beholder bag” at “Shapers”, “Werecrocodiles” and “Secret Dungeon (Stone Pillars)” dungeons
► Increased drop chance of Equipment Bags from epic monsters of Hunting Grounds in Dark Island, Icescar and Wasteland
► Reduced base gold cost to craft Iceforged and Beholder equipments by 50%
► HG still consuming Rarity Tokens
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► Mudanças no "Bard":
Mudado o valor maximo de stack dos buffs: 10 -> 5. O valor individual dos stacks foi aumentado de acordo
Mudanças no "Performance Style": O Bard agora irá ganhar buff mesmo em orchestra, enquanto soloist irá ganhar o dobro de stacks
► Dungeons “Nightdweller”, “Zathroth Guardian” e “Secret Dungeon (Slimes)” agora dropam “iceforged bag” no lugar de “magical bag”
► Aumentado a chance de drop de “Beholder Bag” das dungeons “Shapers”, “Werecrocodiles” e “Secret Dungeon (Stone Pillars)”
► Aumentado a chance de drop de Bags de monstros epicos nas hunting grounds de Dark Island, Icescar e Wasteland
► Reduzido o custo base para craftar equipamentos Iceforged e Beholder em 50%
► HG ainda consumindo rarity tokens